After you have a baby, your body doesn’t always feel like yours anymore, does it? It now belongs to a tiny human who called your body home for months. Now comes the challenge. How do you find your body again?
In this post, we hear from Rachel about her new reconnection with her body and how she overcame hurdles. #RachelsStory
“Once I was officially enrolled in the Momma Movement, I started to prepare mentally for this new fitness journey. I was excited, but also nervous. I had a therapy session the day before I started at the Momma Movement and confided in my therapist that I was feeling kind of nervous about it. She asked what I was worried about. I took a moment to ponder the question and concluded, “I just don’t want to look stupid.” She assured me that it would be fine. That it was the coaches’ job to help everyone, especially new comers. I really didn’t need to be nervous because it went really well! I lucked out and had a couple private sessions with Coach Meagan because no one else had signed up for the group yet. I was worried that the one-on-one sessions might be weird, but it was actually really nice to have her full attention. She taught me a lot about breathing and how to engage my core. She also began teaching me how to do certain moves that we’d be utilizing in the workouts. It turned out that even though I had been faithfully exercising at home, I was doing some of the movements incorrectly! I am so thankful that I never hurt myself trying to lift on my own!
Fast forward a few more weeks and some more women joined my Momma Movement group. It is a mix of new moms, veteran moms like me, and even one woman who is doing the class in preparation of hopefully being pregnant one day soon. We have fallen into a rhythm where we all know how the class works. First, we spend a moment arriving and breathing. We take a few minutes to get present and think about our focus for the next 45 minutes. Then, we do warm-ups on our mats to get our cores engaged and ready to work. Next, we do the strength portion of the workout which is different every time, but usually a combination of a few moves with and without weights. Finally, we do the “sweaty bit” which I honestly hated in the beginning, but it’s getting a lot easier! That portion is a combination of cardio and lifting and is different every time. And that’s it. The time really flies by!”
We have one more post to round off our journey with Rachel! Check back later this week for the final installment of #RachelsStory