One day, it just happens.
You feel stronger.
You can breathe better.
You’re doing things you couldn’t do last month.
That, my friend, is called empowerment.
As our series wraps up, Rachel talks about her new life postpartum and after discovering The Momma Movement. #RachelsStory
“There is so much more I could say about the actual small group training sessions, but I will simply share that I LOVE them! I look forward to going every week, twice a week and I’m sad when it’s a day I won’t have class. I have been attending for about 3 months now and I have seen a massive change in my body AND in my mind! I am getting so strong—it’s crazy! I am lifting my kids no problem and actually have to be mindful to be gentle with them. Recently I had to lift our jogging stroller high above my head to store it and I did it, no problem. I also dusted off my bicycle and have started riding it around town. (For context, I haven’t ridden my bicycle in almost six years!!! I wasn’t using it because I felt like I wasn’t strong enough or coordinated enough to do it.). My core is getting a lot stronger and while the moves are still challenging, I can tell that I am progressing. I have also been seeing a physical therapist and she told me recently that my ab separation (AKA diastasis recti) has improved from being 2.5 fingers width to less than 2 fingers! That feels like a HUGE success.
I could go on and on. I originally signed up for this program thinking I would do it for a month or two, maybe three. I didn’t see it as a long-term commitment, but I love it so much! I can’t really believe it. I hope to continue attending classes for a long time.
“One more story I’d like to share…. About a month ago, Coach Meagan said we were going to do “sled pushes”. I had no idea what that meant. She then proceeded to demonstrate how we would use our bodies to push this massive “sled” kind of like the move that football players do in training camp. I stared in disbelief. Did she really think we could do this? I asked her how much the sled weighed and she replied, “Do you want to know now or after you’ve done the workout?”. I thought that was a fair point and said, “You know what? Tell me after”. We did the workout and believe it or not, I pushed that damn sled! I DID IT! Multiple times. I couldn’t believe it. Afterwards, Meagan told me how much it weighs—105 pounds. What!!!!??? I felt unstoppable. Next on the list is flipping the huge truck tires. One day! 😉 “
This concludes our journey with #RachelsStory and we thank you for joining us!
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